What are some typical symptoms of pain conditions?

Symptoms vary on the specific type of pain condition, a person may suffer from: Reduction in quality of life Low mood Sleep disruption, fatigue and insomnia Loss of appetite Stress and anxiety Tremors or spasticity These symptoms can come and go in periods known as relapses and flare-ups. Flare-ups are when symptoms are particularly severe,Read more ⟶

Nathalie Faustino: The Answer Is Here

Nathalie Faustino is an Editor at Weekend Pages Magazine. Britain’s Health and Beauty Monthly magazine sent to over 450,000 digital magazine subscribers across the UK. Nathalie Faustino is: A published Author, Ranked Top 5 Beauty & Make Up Blogger in the UK and is also the Chief Beauty Editor for 365 Art Plus Magazine inRead more ⟶

Peripheral Neuropathy

According to the NHS (national health service) Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can cause pain, numbness or weakness. The common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include: pain numbness tingling weakness in your hands, arms or feet The main symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can include: numbness and tingling in the feet or hands-burningRead more ⟶

Healthi An

Healthi An is an established Nutritionist focused on helping people to eat healthy food and to live a better lifestyle. Healthi An talks about her experience with GTB 2 The drops of @greentreebotanics make magics for your body 👌🏻Just a few drops (I use 5) and you are again free of any kind of pain and exhaustion.Read more ⟶

Tyler Briannah: You guys know I’m all about natural healing!

Tyler Briannah partnered with us for a giveaway! An accomplished herbalist, focused on holistic health talks about her experience using GTB 2 but also gives an follower of her 40K followers the chance to win a bottle of GTB 2. In Tyler Briannah‘s own words: You guys know I’m all about natural healing! Which isRead more ⟶

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