Arthritis, what is it?

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. In the UK, more than 10 million people have it or other, similar conditions that affect the joints. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid-arthritis are the 2 most common types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type in the UK, affecting nearly 9 millionRead more ⟶

Treating peripheral neuropathy

Treatment for peripheral neuropathy depends on the symptoms and underlying cause Not all of the underlying causes of neuropathy can be treated. For example, if you have diabetes, it may help to gain better control of your blood sugar level, stop smoking and cut down on alcohol. Nerve pain may be treated with prescribed medicinesRead more ⟶

Nathalie Faustino: The Answer Is Here

Nathalie Faustino is an Editor at Weekend Pages Magazine. Britain’s Health and Beauty Monthly magazine sent to over 450,000 digital magazine subscribers across the UK. Nathalie Faustino is: A published Author, Ranked Top 5 Beauty & Make Up Blogger in the UK and is also the Chief Beauty Editor for 365 Art Plus Magazine inRead more ⟶

Helped Sue with GTB2

GTB2 has helped many people, often in cases where individuals have felt that there was no solution to what they were facing. Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can cause pain, numbness or weakness. The common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include: pain numbness tingling weakness in your hands, arms or feet WeRead more ⟶

Healthi An

Healthi An is an established Nutritionist focused on helping people to eat healthy food and to live a better lifestyle. Healthi An talks about her experience with GTB 2 The drops of @greentreebotanics make magics for your body 👌🏻Just a few drops (I use 5) and you are again free of any kind of pain and exhaustion.Read more ⟶

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