Helped Sue with GTB2

Sue’s Story

GTB2 has helped many people, often in cases where individuals have felt that there was no solution to what they were facing.

Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can cause pain, numbness or weakness.

The common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:

  • pain
  • numbness
  • tingling
  • weakness in your hands, arms or feet

We know treatment for peripheral neuropathy depends on what’s causing it. Nerve pain is usually treated with strong prescription painkillers.

In Sue’s case, none of the ‘Strong’ prescription painkillers helped her. This is when she was introduced to GTB2 by Green Tree Botanics which has helped in ways those ‘Strong’ painkillers were not able to.

There are times when conventional medicine—such as prescription medication—is not effective at treating chronic pain associated with certain medical conditions. But some people living with chronic pain are able to find peace with Alternative Pain Relief. Sue has been fortunate enough to be one of those people.

You're in Luck! ☘️
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